
5 years of marriage

WOW! I am thinking about the first day I met my husband Jesse. What a great day! God is good!

5 years ago tomorrow, March 13, is the day we made a very special commitment to spend our lives together in marriage. What a special day that was! I am so blessed that God gave me an amazing man who loves the Lord and loves me! I am just as in love today, if not more, with my husband as I was 5 years ago! Each day I learn more and more about love and sacrifice! God knew what He was doing when He put us together! I could not ask for a better person to spend my life on this earth with! I am blessed and thankful today for 5 years of marriage and looking forward to many more memories and years with him!


show me how to love like you

As I sit here today I just keep playing & listening to the song "Hosanna" over and over again...this song always gets my heart! WOW, how powerful is our Lord!!! HE shows mercy and grace and loves HIS people!!! Imagine how HIS heart breaks for HIS people...what a King of Glory!!!

Some of the words are: "I see the King of Glory...the whole earth shakes...I see his love and mercy washing over all our sins...the people sing Hosanna...Hosanna in the highest...break my heart for what breaks his...show me how to love like you..."

What does that mean for you??? When I hear those words I think about HIS people...those hurting and in need...those who don't know HIM, those who have gone astray...it just reminds me that HIS love is powerful and beyond our ability!!!! We can only ask HIM to show us how to love like HE loves!!!

Lord, I want to love like you love and want my heart to break for what breaks your heart!


Being gracious in relationships...

I was reading today from Proverbs 31 Ministries and found a devotion with the title "Grace Covers". I wanted to share a few quotes from it because it's a good reminder in ALL our relationships that we need GRACE!

"Bringing criticism, judgment, and self-righteousness into your marriage is all too easy. Saying "Why didn't you…" "You should have…" or "I told you so" requires no effort. But being gracious is what we need in marriage, and that's what Christ calls us to be. We're human. We're going to disappoint one another. We're not always going to meet each others needs."
"We shouldn't spew hate. We should seek to understand. We should ask God for wisdom. We should love. Not necessarily in an "ushy-gushy, touchy-feely" sort of way; but rather, in an, "I am going to choose to react gently and behave kindly because that is what God is asking me to do" sort of way. Cementing this line of thinking in our mind will help us to make the right choice. There are things we will do because we are doing them for God that we otherwise might never do for a spouse, co-worker or friend who makes us mad!"
"The world is watching; sizing up how we behave. When we are one part of a divergence in personalities, what will they see? Stirred up strife or lovingly covered offenses?"

What if we were to stop stirring up strife when it comes to the people in our lives who have different personalities than us...they are OIL while we are WATER. Why do we put them down, pour water on their fire or think their passion is arrogance? Why is it hard to get past the fact that we all have differences in our personalities and that is OK. Is it pride because we might think someone is against us when really they are just being the person God made them to be and sharing the things that God put on their heart? God made us all different for a reason! In the body of Christ, some are the hands and some are the feet.

We're human and going to disappoint one another. We're not always going to meet each others needs. Being gracious is needed in our relationships, and that's what Christ calls us to be. This is something I have been thinking about for some time now while watching relationships and circumstances and discovering how amazing it is that we are all different!!!! I am thankful God knows our hearts and gives us grace. Don't others deserve that from us???


count down...

We are counting down...I am 32 weeks and 1 day pregnant and have 8 more weeks to go. Our due date is April 6...I say he will be born on April 4, my mom says March 22 and Jesse says March 23...but NOW he is saying he wants him to be born on April 1 (April fools day). He just thinks that would be a fun day to have a birthday! :) Had another appointment today and things are still looking good. I have been blessed with a healthy pregnancy.
It is crazy just waiting to get to 12 weeks pregnant to the general "safety zone" and now I have less than that left! I have really enjoyed being pregnant...my favorite part is knowing he is growing and feeling him move!!!

the move

From Kingwood we moved to Sugar Land to work with a church plant and lost our jobs there due to the finances and economy so we were at a crossroads...we had a lot of decisions to make and God took us to Colorado Springs, CO. We were there for 6 months and just a couple weeks ago decided to move back to the Houston area to be closer to family and friends. We weren't expecting to be pregnant, but obviously God wanted us to have this baby and we are so excited to meet him! We won't ever have this "first baby" experience. This whole process of losing our jobs hasn't been easy but God has provided and shown us over and over again that HE is in control NOT any man!!
We LOVE Colorado and God defiantly had a plan for us being there but know God has another plan for us right now. Our time there was amazing, so refreshing and we have great memories!!! It was a great time of healing and just time together! I wouldn't trade those 6 months for anything!!! At first I wasn't "on board" to move back but God worked on my heart and I am so glad HE took us there and glad HE brought us back to Houston to spend the last couple months of the pregnancy with people we love...as well as the birth of our baby boy! So here we are trying to get settled in and prepare for the next step in our journey...can't wait to see what is next!!!


Baby Belly Boy

I am 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant and we are so excited to meet our "baby belly boy" Hudson Cai. He has been moving so much over the last couple days. I keep feeling a lump, which I think is his backside, move from one side of my belly button to the other. He is cracking me up. I never would have imagined how it really felt to have a baby, a real little person, moving in my tummy!! It's JUST simply AMAZING!! He makes me smile when I can feel him move! It's amazing how God creates and molds a new person...so many details and so complex...it is just mind blowing!!!


A LOT has changed

So much has changed since my last entry. We lost our jobs, moved to Colorado Springs, CO and having a baby boy on April 6.
We have been through a lot of changes over the last year and are most thankful to be reminded GOD knows us and loves us always!

It's just so simple...

My photo
Married to my favorite person & head-over-heals in love with. We are enjoying all the "firsts" with our baby boy, Hudson. We have a dog, Benny, who is like a little person; we enjoy laughing at ourselves, traveling, finding new places to eat and new adventures together.